The Work of Phoenix Fire
curated & narrated by Ryan Elias Baker
Welcome to the official Phoenix Fire online portfolio! Here you are free to roam, observe our multitude of finished projects, and gauge us as creators, dear visitor, and decide from what you see if we'd be a good match. As you must know by now, storytelling (and everything under that wide umbrella!) is our undying passion.
So here are the fruits of our labors - the products of our blood, sweat, and tears in their full glory . . . accessible to you!
Oh. And if anyone's wanting to know . . . here's my acting portfolio!

Rowan staring at his brother's stuffed monkey, in grief.
This feature was a three-man project, with nothing but me, a photographer friend to handle the camera (AKA an iPhone!), and my secondary lead, my actress friend Jacqueline. That was the crew. While not the most efficient, for a 34-minute horror-thriller with only three people manning the boat, I'd say it turned out pretty damn well. Just look at some of these shots!
The script for Alvie had actually been written years prior, and I'd dug it up for the sole purpose of adapting it into my first short film. I always knew that the story was too important to me to just never make, and I knew that for my directorial debut short, I'd have to bring it to life. Trial and tribulation kept it from coming to fruition for years (my actors abandoning the project halfway through, rivalries with my second cam op, etc). But the third time I tried Alvie, she was completed with grace. Guess third time really is the charm.
The Rebirth of Alvie Laurent, 2023
Phoenix Fire Productions
Ah yes, the one that started it all. My directorial debut. This baby was written, directed, edited, and composed by me; and I also played the lead character, Rowan Laurent, a trauma-stricken boy bearing the guilt of accidentally killing his younger brother.

Rowan confronts impostor Alvie.

Deleted shot still. Rowan's first call with Lin.

Moments after Rowan accidentally kills his little brother Alvie.
I'd already been composing and editing my own projects for years up until this point. But this was the first time I'd ever attempted to combine my skills to create true art. Most of my projects till then had been practice projects or acting showcases. But I had never directed an honest-to-God film before. For that, I will always look to The Rebirth of Alvie Laurent as my first and most special baby. The first-born. The one that started it all.
The official teaser trailer.
The Rebirth of Alvie Laurent, full 34-minute short.
Project Name
For this next project, we'll have to go back in time to the year (****). Was Phoenix Fire Productions even created yet? No. It wasn't. But it's still good stuff AND it's still official Phoenix Fire copyrighted material. Plus, it's not the age of something you'd be paying for - it's the quality. Right? And methinks this to be pretty solid quality. So take a gander anyhow. Come on. Humor me.
This is still a showcase, after all. Right?

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This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.